Bellingen Cancer Support and Chronic Diseases Clinic

Support Programs


  • Chemotherapy, Radiation, Surgery, Wasting

Support will help you to complete the cycles of treatment prescribed.


Rescue Programs

  • Stop the 7 Drivers of Cancer

There is no single cause of cancer so there is no single cure for cancer.


Recovery Programs

  • Reduce Risk of Recurrence

  • Treat & Support All Chronic Disease

Reduce Risk of Cancer Recurrence & Treat All Chronic Disease



  • Food is your medicineRemedial, Aromatherapy, Lymphatic drainage and Oncology

I use Outcome Focused Treatments supported by both scientific and clinical evidence where available, backed up with historical evidence in an environment that is Safe, Private and Confidential.

During the consultation we will look at what the realistic outcome may be for a given period of time and work together towards that, monitoring your progress and making changes where necessary.

The Goal is to Improve Your Quality of Life with Nutritional Medicine at Whatever Age.

This empowers you to Live Well.

Naturopathy uses principles of treatment that support the body’s natural innate ability to heal itself, focusing treatment on the cause of a disease rather than just the symptoms themselves. Naturopathy is a holistic modality. This means that all areas of your body, your lifestyle and your coping mechanisms are considered at the time of the consultation.

Chronic Diseases are conditions of long duration, or recurrent presentation, and are generally slow in progression. Effective control of your chronic disease starts by reducing your symptoms such as: arthritis, allergies, oedema, pigmentation changes, rosacea, pain, insomnia, headaches, bloating, reflux, heart flutters, hair loss, eczema, period pain, sweating and constipation and / or diarrhoea.

Chronic diseases are targeted using Recovery Programs.

Cancer is also a chronic disease.

If you need help then this is the place to come

Anuna Natural MedicineTake control by making an appointment and embracing change.

My name is Claire Cooney and I am a Degree Qualified Naturopath. I provide my services in my North Bellingen health studio. I have been supporting people with cancer and chronic disease since 2008.

I am registered with the Australian Traditional Medicine Society Ltd and am accredited with Private Health Funds. I have a HICAP facility so you can claim directly off your health fund depending on your level of cover.

Any Resolution to Change Your Diet & Lifestyle Habits Can Be Challenging, But No More So Than The Demands and Consequences of Living with Chronic Disease.

Every day YOU make the Choice.

Claire Cooney – ND, BHlthSc(Compl Med), Arom, DRM

Nutritionist, Naturopath, Masseur, Aromatherapist, Integrative Practitioner.